Iarnród Éireann Gender Pay Gap 2024
13 December 2024
Gender Pay Gap favourable to women by 6.29%
Welcome to the third annual Iarnród Éireann Gender Pay Gap Report.
We’re dedicated to ensuring that our legislatively required reporting reflects the state of play when it comes to gender pay parity, and offer transparency in our efforts to reduce the gender pay gap, and employ more women at Iarnród Éireann.
To recap our goals:
• We aspire to double the number of women we employ by 2030
• We want to achieve 50% participation in employee-led Employee Resource Groups
• We will provide women the skills they need to achieve positions in leadership
We have made progress in all of these areas.
Our Gender Pay Gap report has been in favour of women for each of our three years of reporting. We acknowledge that a marker of our success will be the narrowing of this gap, as we seek to employ more women in male dominated, operational fields. This year we have successfully achieved this milestone, reducing our pay gap, and seeing female representation grow across the majority of areas of the business.
Our SHINE Women’s Network continues to grow, with an increased emphasis on networking and participation in areas outside of Dublin throughout 2024.
Our INSPIRE Women In Leadership programme and an expanded roster of International Women’s Day events, including leadership workshops delivered by talented coaches, pave the way for women hoping to progress their careers at Iarnród Éireann.

Over the last year, our emphasis has been on preparing for the next generation of female workers at Iarnród
Éireann. To successfully achieve our goal of doubling the number of women at the company, we must challenge
the perception amongst younger people that the railway is an industry that primarily employs men, and to do
this we have engaged on a vast outreach program through schools and other initiatives in the public eye.
Our hope is that we can ensure young women not only keep careers at the railway in mind when making their
career decisions, but aspire to work at the railway as an achievable, positive goal for their futures.
We have partnered with a number of schools to help achieve this, notably in our internal Women In STEM Girls’
School programme. We have also started working with mixed gender schools alongside the PTECH programme,
and we have established a new Towards Work programme with an all-female school in Cork City, assisting young
women in their career development in senior cycle.
Our association with the iWish careers event and the Try A Trade programme ensure that we are helping to keep
STEM and railway careers front of mind for young women.
Our partnership with Back To Work Connect has also ensured our job ads are shown to those wishing to return
to work after long absences, most notably women who may have left the workforce to raise families and wish
to rejoin after a lengthy break.
We are confident that all this work will ensure the future-proofing of female participation at Iarnród Éireann.
Our hope is that the next generation will stay inspired, and join us as drivers, fitters, mechanics, engineers,
track workers and more.
Jim Meade
Chief Executive
Read the full Iarnród Éireann Gender Pay Gap Report 2024.
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12 December 2024