About Iarnród Éireann Irish Rail

Company Information
A subsidiary of Córas Iompair Éireann, Iarnród Éireann provides passenger and freight rail services as well as operating Rosslare Europort.

Frequently Asked Questions
See our Frequently Asked Questions section for the most popular questions Iarnród Éireann receive. If you cannot find an answer please do not hesitate to contact us with your question.

CIE Group Property
The Group Property Department is responsible for the CIÉ property portfolio nationwide. This includes the letting and sale of property which is not required for operational use. Property available for letting can range from railway arches to shop units at bus and rail stations.

The maintenance and renewal of the track, structures and buildings of Iarnród Éireann is the responsibility of the Chief Civil Engineer. It is their job to maintain tracks, bridges, level crossings, stations, platforms, tunnels, cutting & embankments.

Network Statement
The Network Statement provides all current and potential train operators wishing to operate train services on our infrastructure with a single source of relevant information on a fair and non-discriminatory basis. It details the general rules, terms, procedures and criteria governing capacity allocation.

Projects and Investments
Iarnród Éireann is currently investing significantly in trains, stations and the network, allowing us to move into the future with expanded and improved services.

Iarnród Éireann provides passenger and freight rail services and are responsible for a number of ancillary services including the operation of Rosslare Europort.